Registration Information
Conference registration includes:
Full conference program Sunday evening through Tuesday evening
Lodging for 3 nights in rooms with queen beds and private bath
Buffet meals Sunday night through Wednesday breakfast
For the best price, register by June 30 and pay in full or pay a minimum non-refundable deposit of $150.
After October 1, please call or email before registering for the on-site conference.
Register and pay online or, if you prefer to pay by check, choose “Manual payment” when completing the payment screens.
Registration is complete only when we have received payment.
Prices and deadlines for the 2024 conference:

Registration FAQ
Are there any scholarship funds available and how do I apply?
What if I want to share a room but don’t sign up with anyone else?
If I need to leave early, come late or miss meals, is there a reduced rate?
Can my family member/friend come with me and stay on-site but not attend the conference?